Video Recording: Megan Robinson on Business Leadership

Title: Are You a Business Leader or a Business Parent?
Just like parenting, leading can seem like a thankless job full of pitfalls and challenges. Learn common mistakes and how to take a new approach that includes coaching, inspiring, and motivating your team. You’ll be so proud as they grow up right before your eyes.
Key Takeaways:
- Identify parenting behavior, language and approaches instead of leadership behavior
- Recognize the leadership and parenting style in your behaviors
- Interpret situations based on a parenting or leadership perspective
Recorded: March 4, 2022
About Megan:
Megan Robinson is the principal at E Leader Experience and works with individuals and teams to develop self-leadership skills that grow companies. She started her career in marketing climbing her way through the corporate ladder at advertising agencies and fortune 500 companies. Like many of us, she caught the entrepreneur bug and started her own marketing company. After yet another “Business Therapy” session, Megan discovered her true passion was in coaching and is a John Maxwell certified coach and DiSC Trainer. In addition, she is the Past President of ATDChi the leading learning and development organization in Chicagoland. Inspired by her own successful career in corporate and entrepreneurial environments, Megan makes leadership approachable for everyone, regardless of title, position, or experience.