Have you ever heard someone say this about their marketing: “We tried that and it didn’t work?” or, "We are not seeing the marketing results we expected." They are probably missing one or more of these principles. And it is costing time and money.
How can you use digital marketing for lead generation and attract new customers? The design of your website directly affects how well you connect with potential customers and convert them into sales. Clean, well-organized content is critical; along with a compelling call-to-action that begins the connection process.
It's really hard right now to find any team members let alone quality team members. This talk we will discuss how to find, hire and onboard quality talent who can help deliver outstanding service to help your business boost revenue, increase retention, get more 5 star reviews and have never ending referrals.
Title: Are You a Business Leader or a Business Parent? Just like parenting, leading can seem like a thankless job full of pitfalls and challenges. Learn common mistakes and how to take a new approach that includes coaching, inspiring, and motivating your team.